Tuesday 9 July 2013

RENESAS - Attending Meeting preparing for 'secret ballot' - now hope is that it happens soonest and workers are represented by a recognised union - then CBA


RENESAS turns up at meeting on 9/7/2013 at the Industrial Relations Department for meeting with the UNION with regard the process towards a 'secret ballot'. There is allegedly some dispute of the list of workers listed as qualified to vote in the 'secret ballot'.

These meeting should have started after the High Court dismissed the RENESAS’s  application in June 2012 - and today, more than a year later, we still have not had the 'secret ballot' which really should have been done not later than three(3) months after RENESAS refused to accord recognition to the Union in September 2011, if not for that High Court case.[Remember, this Union have been trying to get recognition of the employer since January 2010]
"...After the High Court dismissed Renesas application on 28/6/2012, there was no court order stopping the Director General for Industrial Relations [DGIR] from proceeding with the secret ballot but the DGIR procrastinated.

After much protestation by the Union, the DGIR finally started the process by writing to Renesas to submit Form B, as required by law, on about 14/12/2012. Renesas did not comply and a second letter  was sent by the DGIR  on 14/1/2013. Renesas again did not comply, and now it is believed that  a third letter has been sent by the DGIR...."
Frustrated at the delay, on 14/3/2013, EIUWR and the workers of Renesas again had a protest picket at Putrajaya.
It is alleged that the DGIR also had to threatened to take legal action against the company. Then, finally RENESAS submitted Form B - which also contains the list of qualified workers who shall be entitled to vote in the secret ballot.

But, then  RENESAS allegedly failed to attend meetings called by the DGIR, their reason was allegedly that all should wait until the Federal Court decided on the company's appeal.
After the High Court dismissed their application, RENESAS appealed to the Court of Appeal who also unanimously dismissed the case on 5/12/2012. And, they appealed to the Federal Court, who also unanimously on 1/7/2013,  dismissed the appeal.

RENESAS can at ANY time show that they respect the freedom of association, and accord recognition to the UNION - that would improve the image and public perception of RENESAS - it will be a company seen to be respecting worker and human rights. There will then be no need for a 'secret ballot'.

A bad company can delay and delay this right of recognition of the Union - hence no Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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